Persona 5: Dancing Star Night Trophy Guide

It’s a bit of a longer plat than P4G, but still only around ~15 hours or so, assuming moderate efficiency. Less story grind but more song grind (which I’m OK with). Will prob take a short break before tackling P3D.

Not translating any of the events because this game should (in theory) be getting localized… one day?

Trophy List

Name Grade Requirement Notes
ダンシング☆スターナイト Platinum Obtained all trophies
入念な計画 Bronze Played the tutorial
変わらぬ結束 Bronze Viewed a COMMU event See COMMU section
潜入ミッション開始 Bronze Explored a room See COMMU section
揺るぎない利害関係 Bronze Viewed 20 COMMU events See COMMU section
野郎の部屋は頂いた Silver Explored all male friends’ rooms See COMMU section
貴女の心を頂戴する Silver Explored all female friends’ rooms See COMMU section
最高のご褒美 Silver Found a priceless treasure Clear the game by viewing COMMU rank 8 for the twins, unlocked by viewing 47 COMMU events
夢のその先へ Silver Viewed all COMMU events See COMMU section
ちょっとは頂戴しました Bronze Obtained 5 rewards from the twins’ card search See Cards section
怪盗王子 Silver Obtained all rewards from the twins’ card search See Cards section
続け囚人! Bronze The twins joined the party Clear the game by viewing COMMU rank 8 for the twins, unlocked by viewing 47 COMMU events
ここからは本気出す Silver Unlocked the hardest difficulty (ALL NIGHT) Clear Jaldabaoth~Our Beginning on any difficulty
パリピはじめました Bronze Obtained a costume
半分ほどは頂いた! Silver Obtained half of all costumes
怪盗百花繚乱 Gold Obtained all costumes
怪盗の必携ツール Bronze Obtained all glasses accessories
獲物の輝き Bronze Obtained half of all accessories
伝説の宝物庫 Silver Obtained all accessories
容疑者確保! Bronze Ended a stage mid-song
さあ、ショウタイムだ Bronze Cleared a song in DANCING! Just clear any song in free play mode
大怪盗への一歩 Silver Got the highest rating on a song (KING CRAZY)
パーフェクトな犯行 Silver Cleared a song on HARD difficulty or higher with 50%+ Perfect
誰にも止められない Bronze Got a new high score
我は汝、汝は誰? Bronze Started dancing with the following changed: hair style, hair colour, eye colour, and 2 accessories equipped
変装の達人 Bronze Danced with all Phantom Thieves (except Akechi) as main dancer with a different costume
スターたちのスターナイト Gold Saw 40 different Fevers with your friends See Songs section
トリックスター解体新書 Silver Saw all of Ren Amamiya’s dances See Songs section
アリババ狂信者 Silver Saw all of Futaba’s dances See Songs section
龍と雌豹 Bronze Saw all of Ryuji and Ann’s duets See Songs section
不思議な師弟 Bronze Saw all of Morgana and Haru’s duets See Songs section
奇人とカタブツ Bronze Saw all of Yusuke and Makoto’s duets See Songs section
怪盗だけど踊ってみた Bronze Watched a replay
オタカラの山 Bronze Unlocked all characters in the Collection view
スタイリッシュ怪盗団 Bronze Faved a costume Functionality unlocked at Ann rank 4; press Touchpad (PS4) or Select(?) (Vita) on the outfit customization screen to fave the current set
フルチューンでいこう Silver Unlocked all custom play modes See General Tips or Custom Modes section
酸いも甘いもご自由に Bronze Cleared a song with the excitement gauge difficulty changed
安全な綱渡り Bronze Cleared a song with “GOOD still maintains combo” and “game over when combo lost” set GOODでもコンボが継続する and コンボが切れたらゲームオーバー
トリックノート Bronze Cleared a song with “shaky note paths” and “alternating note speeds” set ノートの軌道が揺らぐ and ノートに緩急がつく
潜入ルート確保 Bronze Cleared a song with all supports enabled on HARD difficulty or higher
優柔不断の快進撃 Bronze Cleared a song with 5+ challenges and 5+ supports enabled
インポッシブルな作戦 Bronze Started dancing with 10+ challenges enabled on ALL NIGHT difficulty

General Tips

  • Yusuke, Ryuji, Haru, Futaba, and the twins’ requirements will naturally get completed as you continue to play
  • Ann and Makoto require equipping different costumes/accessories, so before each song, change your dancers’ equipment to items marked with “NEW”
  • For Morgana rank 6 and 8, feel free to turn on support modes at the same time (and knock out 優柔不断の快進撃 while you’re at it)
  • For Morgana’s other ranks, challenge modes are unlocked through other COMMUs (Ryuji and Morgana himself) as well as the following:
    • Clear a song with note speed set to 1
    • Clear a song with note speed set to 7
    • Clear 3 songs with note speed set to something other than 4
    • Clear a song with challenge ノートが途中から消える or ノートが途中から現れる
    • Clear a song with challenge ノートに緩急がつく
    • Clear a song with challenge ノート配置が反転する
    • Hit 100 scratch notes (auto-scratch support counts)
    • Do the フィーバーについて tutorial
    • Clear a song with 3+ supports enabled
    • Fail a song within 10 seconds
  • For the support modes, most of them are unlocked through COMMUs but there are a few exceptions:
    • Fail a stage mid-song
    • Clear a song without doing a single scratch
    • Do the プレイカスタムについて tutorial

COMMU Events

P3/5D don’t have a story mode, but they do have events with your party members that you unlock by meeting certain requirements, kind of like the in-game achievements in P4D. Starting from rank 6, you can look around their rooms.


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 アツく行こうぜ! Cumulative MAX COMBO 800+ Costume: Shuujin Academy Summer Uniform (Male)
2 家事・オア・ダイ Cumulative MAX COMBO 2400+ Custom Mode: Reversed note positions
3 怪盗男子の恋愛事情 Cumulative MAX COMBO 4000+ Costume: Casual Summer Outfits (Male)
4 竜司の長所 Cumulative MAX COMBO 6000+ Custom Mode: Notes appear midway
5 意外な一面? Cumulative MAX COMBO 8000+ Custom Mode: Guaranteed fever, gauge boost
6 控え室を捜索せよ Cumulative MAX COMBO 10000+ Accessory: Costume: Christmas Outfits (Male)
7 坂本パイセンの教え Cumulative MAX COMBO 13500+ Accessory: Pekapeka Icon
8 変わらぬ想い Cumulative MAX COMBO 17000+ Custom Mode: Invisible notes


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 張り切るモルガナ Unlocked 1 challenge mode Accessory: Clown Nose, Costume: Teddie Outfit
2 怪盗団のマスコット Unlocked 3 challenge modes Custom Mode: Reduced damage, Costume: Aigis Outfit
3 一途なモルガナ Unlocked 5 challenge modes Costume: Phantom Thieves Outfits (Male)
4 ネコじゃねーし! Unlocked 7 challenge modes Custom Mode: Disappearing notes
5 ニンゲンっていいな Unlocked 9 challenge modes Custom Mode: Start with MAX gauge, but it doesn’t refill
6 ライバルたちの気配 Cleared a song with 3 challenge modes set Accessory: Arcana Mask set #1
7 モルガナの夢占い Unlocked 11 challenge modes Costume: Halloween Costumes (Male)
8 可能性は無限大 Cleared a song with 5 challenge modes set Config: Cheering voice settings


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 甘い誘惑とバトれ! Cleared a song with a different costume Costume: Casual Summer Outfits (Female)
2 どの路線で攻める? Cleared songs with 5 different costumes Accessory: Stylish Glasses set #1
3 『カワイイ』って何だろう Cleared songs with 12 different costumes Costume: Casual Winter Outfits (Female)
4 恐るべき才能 Cleared songs with 20 different costumes Ability to set favourite outfits
5 Take it easy! Cleared songs with 28 different costumes Accessory: Cat Ears
6 遊びにおいでよ Cleared songs with 38 different costumes Costume: Maid Outfits
7 思い出を作ろう Cleared songs with 50 different costumes Costume: Christmas Outfits (Female)
8 夢みるステージ Cleared songs with 70 different costumes Costume: Swimsuits (Female)


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 運命の出会い Total PERFECT notes 1000+ Accessory: Sunglasses set #1
2 新たな発想 Total PERFECT notes 3000+ Costume: Casual Winter Outfits (Male)
3 想いは必ず届く Total PERFECT notes 5000+ Costume: Shuujin Academy Tracksuit (Male)
4 ダンスのテーマは? Total PERFECT notes 7000+ Costume: Swimsuits (Male)
5 個性こそが素晴らしい Total PERFECT notes 9000+ Accessory: Jika Net Mask
6 画伯のアトリエ Total PERFECT notes 12000+ Accessory: Cat Tail
7 迷える芸術家 Total PERFECT notes 16000+ Accessory: Arcana Mask set #2
8 『美』の真髄 Total PERFECT notes 20000+ Accessory: Jika Net GOLD


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 一撃必殺! Cleared a song with a support mode enabled Accessory: Headphones (4 Colours)
2 最強の使い手 Cleared songs with 5 different accessories Custom Mode: Faster gauge fill during fever
3 美人過ぎる○○ Cleared songs with 10 different accessories Costume: Phantom Thieves Outfits (Female)
4 やりたいことリスト Cleared songs with 15 different accessories Custom Mode: Press any button for any note
5 お嫁さんになりたい Cleared songs with 20 different accessories Eye Colour: 3 colours
6 道場にて待つ Cleared a song with all support modes set Costume: Halloween Outfits (Female)
7 真の決意 Cleared songs with 30 different accessories Accessory: Waiwai Icon
8 姉妹の絆 Cleared songs with 50 different accessories Costume: Cheerleader Outfits


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 アン、ドゥ、トロワ Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 5+ times Custom Mode: Faster gauge fill from fever rings
2 念じるセレブ Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 10+ times Costume: Shuujin Academy Summer Uniform (Female)
3 弱点を探せ Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 15+ times Accessory: 70s Sunglasses set #1
4 憧れのプリマ Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 20+ times Accessory: Cat Whiskers (2 colours)
5 流れゆく月日 Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 26+ times Accessory: Fairy Wings
6 セレブのお部屋拝見 Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 33+ times Costume: Butler Outfits
7 ヒロインの気持ち Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 40+ times Accessory: Waawaa Icon
8 今夜だけの魔法 Obtained BRILLIANT rating or better 47+ times Config: Scratch SFX (Character Voices)


Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 マスター・ジョーカー Played 3 songs Costume: Shuujin Academy Tracksuit (Female)
2 レベルアップ! Played 7 songs Accessory: DENON Headphones (4 Colours)
3 理想のオトナ Played 15 songs Accessory: Dog Tail
4 双葉の好きなこと Played 23 songs Accessory: Genius Stache
5 メガネのひみつ Played 31 songs Hair Colour: 3 colours
6 凄腕ハッカーのアジト Played 39 songs Accessory: Dog Ears
7 ハンドルネームは『ルキア』 Played 48 songs Accessory: Nyanya Icon
8 わたしはだいじょうぶ Played 57 songs Accessory: Bunny Ears

Justine & Caroline

Rank Event Requirement Unlocks
1 『宴』の始まり Automatically unlocked Costume: Party Stage Outfits
2 『宴』のルール Viewed 3 COMMU events Accessory: Nose Glasses
3 『オタカラ』を探せ! Viewed 7 COMMU events Custom Mode: GOOD still maintains combo
4 嵐のような姉 Viewed 12 COMMU events Ability to set partner for each fever
5 双子が部屋へやってくる Viewed 18 COMMU events Accessory: Long Nose Glasses
6 居ても立っても Viewed 27 COMMU events Costume: Velvet Outfit
7 我らの誇り Viewed 36 COMMU events Custom Mode: Ability to set excitement gauge difficulty
8 手にした至宝 Viewed 47 COMMU events Justine & Caroline unlocked as dancers


Cards can be found in characters’ rooms, which can be explored upon reaching COMMU rank 6 for each one. You will get a reward from the twins for each card that you find.

The cards are blue with a Velvet Room logo on them.

Character Room Rank Card Location Reward
Ryuji 6 Among the pile of magazines Accessory: Stylish Glasses set #2
Ryuji 7 On the side of the bookshelf, next to the skateboard Accessory: Monkey Headband
Ryuji 8 Under the table (press X to crouch) Accessory: Demonica Mask
Morgana 6 Behind the sofa Accessory: Stylish Glasses set #3
Morgana 7 On one of the posts by the stairs Costume: Prison Uniform
Morgana 8 On the ceiling Accessory: Headdress
Ann 6 On the poster with letters Accessory: 70s Sunglasses set #2
Ann 7 On the suitcase on the top shelf Accessory: Cat Headband
Ann 8 On the back of the mirror Costume: Amazoness Armour
Yusuke 6 On the back of the easel Accessory: 70s Sunglasses set #3
Yusuke 7 Inside the fruit basket near the front door Accessory: Jagariko Mask
Yusuke 8 Behind the biggest painting, on the left near the doll Accessory: Live Lobster
Makoto 6 Inside the garbage can Accessory: Stylish Glasses set #4
Makoto 7 Under one of the shelves near the door (press X to crouch) Accessory: Buchimaru-kun
Makoto 8 Inside the cabinet (press X to crouch) Costume: Decadent Armour
Haru 6 On the side of the display case Accessory: Sunglasses set #2
Haru 7 Under the plant by the door Accessory: Round Cheeks
Haru 8 Under the bench next to the bed (press X to crouch) Costume: Royal Armour
Futaba 6 On top of the books beside her PC Accessory: Sunglasses set #3
Futaba 7 On the closet door Accessory: Bunny Headband, Accessory: Towel Head
Futaba 8 Inside the mini fridge (press X to crouch) Costume: RPG Armour, Accessory: Chinese Mask


To unlock the dance-related trophies, you’ll need to play the following songs. For partner dances, you need to play on the specified difficulty with partner set to Auto.

Ren Trophy:

  • Main Dancer
    • Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Jazztronik Remix)
    • Rivers In the Desert
    • Jaldabaoth~Our Beginning
  • Partner
    • Rivers In the Desert (Mito Remix) [Easy]
    • The Whims of Fate (Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix) [All Night]
    • Last Surprise [Hard]
    • Will Power (Shacho Remix) [Easy]
    • Keeper of Lust [Hard]
    • 星と僕らと (tofubeats Remix) [Normal]
    • Blooming Villain [Hard]
    • Life Will Change (ATLUS Meguro Remix) [Normal]

Futaba Trophy:

  • Main Dancer
    • Last Surprise
    • 母のいた日々 (ATLUS Kitajoh Remix)
  • Partner
    • Blooming Villain (ATLUS Konishi Remix) [Normal]
    • Life Goes On [Easy]
    • Rivers In the Desert [All Night]
    • Beneath the Mask (KAIEN Remix) [Normal]
    • Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There [Hard]
    • 星と僕らと (tofubeats Remix) [Easy]
    • Price [Normal]

Ryuji & Ann Trophy:

  • Keeper of Lust [Easy]
  • Rivers In the Desert (Mito Remix) [Hard]

Morgana & Haru Trophy:

  • Tokyo Daylight (ATLUS Kozuka Remix) [Normal]
  • Beneath the Mask (KAIEN Remix) [Hard]

Makoto & Yusuke Trophy:

  • Blooming Villain [Easy]
  • The Whims of Fate (Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix) [Normal]

List of all songs and their main dancers + partners unlocked by each difficulty level (not 100% guaranteed to be accurate because I keep getting distracted w):

Song Name Main Dancer Partner Unlocked
Easy Normal Hard All Night
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Jazztronik Remix) Ren Haru Ann Ryuji Ann
Tokyo Daylight (ATLUS Kozuka Remix) Morgana Yusuke Haru Yusuke Makoto
Rivers In the Desert (Mito Remix) Ann Ren Makoto Ryuji Haru
The Whims of Fate (Yukihiro Fukutomi Remix) Makoto Ann Yusuke Haru Ren
Life Will Change
Blooming Villain (ATLUS Konishi Remix) Ryuji Morgana Futaba Haru Morgana
Life Goes On Yusuke Futaba Ann Ryuji Haru
Last Surprise Futaba Ann Haru Ren Ryuji
Will Power (Shacho Remix) Haru Ren Ryuji Ann Yusuke
Rivers In the Desert Ren Yusuke Morgana Makoto Futaba
母のいた日々 (ATLUS Kitajoh Remix) Futaba Morgana Makoto Yusuke Morgana
Beneath the Mask (KAIEN Remix) Haru Makoto Futaba Morgana Makoto
Keeper of Lust Ryuji Ann Yusuke Ren Makoto
Last Surprise (Jazztronik Remix)
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There Ann Morgana Yusuke Futaba Morgana
星と僕らと (tofubeats Remix) Morgana Futaba Ren Ann Ryuji
Blooming Villain Yusuke Morgana Makoto Ren Morgana
Price Makoto Ryuji Futaba Morgana Ryuji
GROOVY (OP ver.)
Last Surprise
Rivers In the Desert (PERSONA SUPER LIVE P-SOUND BOMB!!!! 2017)
Jaldabaoth ~ Our Beginning Ren
Life Will Change (ATLUS Meguro Remix) Justine & Caroline Morgana Ren Elizabeth Theodore
One Nightbreak

Custom Modes

The support/challenge modes you can activate. There’s no limit to how many you can have on at once, but some of them cancel each other out and will automatically deselect each other.

Type Name (JP) Effect Score Effect How to Unlock
Support 途中終了しない Prevents Game Over from depleted excitement gauge -3% Fail any stage mid-song
Support ダメージが減少する Reduced damage from MISSes -12% Morgana COMMU 2
Support フィーバーリング獲得時のゲージが増えやすい Increased gauge gain from fever rings -3% Haru COMMU 1
Support フィーバー期間中、ゲージが増えやすい Increased gauge gain during fever -6% Makoto COMMU 2
Support 必ずフィーバーが発生し、ゲージが増加する Guaranteed fevers, drastic gauge gain -6% Ryuji COMMU 5
Support GOODでもコンボが継続する GOODs don’t break combo -15% Twins COMMU 3
Support オートスクラッチ Automatic PERFECT on scratch notes -9% Clear a song without doing a single scratch
Support ボタンに関係なくノートを押せる Any button works for any note -12% Makoto COMMU 4
Support ゲージが自動的に増える Gauge automatically fills -21% Play “プレイカスタムについて” in Tutorial mode
Challenge ノート配置が反転する Notes come from reversed directions +4% Ryuji COMMU 2
Challenge ノートが超高速になる Notes come in at super speed +12% Clear a song with “Note Speed” set to 7
Challenge ノートが超低速になる Notes come in super slow +16% Clear a song with “Note Speed” set to 1
Challenge ノートに緩急がつく Notes accelerate and decelerate +8% Clear a song with Challenge “ノートが途中から消える” or “ノートが途中から現れる” set
Challenge ノートの軌道が揺らぐ Notes sway around as they come in +8% Clear a song with Challenge “ノートに緩急がつく” set
Challenge ノートが途中から消える Notes disappear when they get close to the outer ring +8% Morgana COMMU 4
Challenge ノートが途中から現れる Notes appear when they get close to the outer ring +8% Ryuji COMMU 4
Challenge ノート配置がランダムになる Note positions are randomized +8% Clear a song with Challenge “ノート配置が反転する” set
Challenge ノートが見えなくなる Notes are invisible +40% Ryuji COMMU 8
Challenge フィーバー中のダメージ補正なし Gauge is still depleted for MISSes during fever +4% View the “フィーバーについて” tutorial
Challenge スクラッチでMISS判定をとる Missing scratch notes counts as MISS +4% Do 100 scratches
Challenge ゲージが増加しにくくなる Gauge fills more slowly +12% Clear a song with 3+ Support modes enabled
Challenge コンボが切れたらゲームオーバー Game Over if combo broken +8% Fail a stage mid-song within the first 10 seconds (Our Moment DLC on ALL NIGHT works, among others)
Challenge ノートスピードが揺らぐ Note Speed changes during the song +8% Clear songs 3 times with Note Speed set to anything other than 4
Other ノートスピードの設定 Sets Note Speed from 1 (slowest) to 7 (fastest) None None
Other ゲージMAXで開始するが増えない Start with MAX gauge, but it doesn’t replenish None Morgana COMMU 5
Other ノリノリゲージの難易度設定 Set difficulty mode for gauge fill rate from EASY to ALL NIGHT None Twins COMMU 7


No DLC is required for the platinum but I will catalogue it here anyway just for reference.

Release Date Category Name Price Notes
5/25/2018 Song GROOVY (Full Version) Free Has lyrics video
Our Moment (Full Version) Free Has lyrics video
Voice (ATLUS Tsuchiya Remix) – Walked by Koromaru ¥350 Has new video featuring Koromaru in Persona Q style
Costume WEGO Collab Set Free Costumes for Ren, Morgana, and Futaba
Gouto Douji Costume Free Morgana-only costume based on the character from Devil Summoner: Kuzunoha Raidou series
ATLUS Selection Set ¥1200 7 costumes total: Ren, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru, Futaba
Accessory Colour Wig Set ¥500 4 new colours for all characters
5/31/2018 Song More Than One Heart ¥350 Has footage from P3M
Dance! (OP ver.) Free Has P4D OP video and new chart
Costume Yakuza Set ¥1200 7 costumes total: Ren, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru, Futaba
Sonic Suit Free Morgana-only costume
Accessory Colour Contacts Set ¥500 6 new colours for all characters
6/7/2018 Song A Way of Life -Deep inside my mind Remix- – Danced by Theodore ¥800 Comes with Theodore in his Velvet Room attire. Partners are Labrys, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Twins
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (OP ver.) Free Has P5 OP video and new chart
Costume Original Crossdressing Set ¥1000 3 costumes total: Ren, Ryuji, Yusuke
Accessory Special Wing Accessory Set ¥300 3 accessories usable with all characters: Angel Wings, Succubus Wings, Thanatos Coffins
6/14/2018 Song Beneath the Mask – Danced by Lavenza ¥800 Comes with Lavenza in her Velvet Room attire. Twins also appear during the song. Partners are Elizabeth, Theodore, and Margaret.
Fate is In Our Hands ¥350 Has footage from P3M
Jika Net Tanaka (ATLUS Kozuka Remix) feat. President Tanaka (CV: Bin Shimada) Free Has original footage and high-difficulty chart
Costume Race Queen Set ¥1000 4 costumes total: Ann, Makoto, Haru, Futaba
Accessory Special Head Accessory Set ¥300 2 accessories usable with all characters: Gentleman Thief Mask, Avatar Crown

23 thoughts on “Persona 5: Dancing Star Night Trophy Guide

  1. Really good guide! I have been using it so far. If it’s not too much to ask do you think you can translate the support and challenge modifiers? It would be nice to know what each one does while I’m playing. Thanks!

  2. You are awesome, this is the best guide I have found anywhere, can’t wait till you get to P3D

    Thank you so much

  3. Hello, thank you for this wonderful guide.
    I tried to get challenge 12 but it looks like I never succeeded, I’m not sure I understand the requirement clearly ;;

    • “Clear a song with 3+ Support modes enabled” ? You have to have 3 or more supports turned on at the same time, and then clear a song.

    • IIRC it unlocks with her Halloween outfit, so Makoto Commu 5. Her Halloween outfit has horns but there’s a head option without them. If not that then it must be one of the other outfits.

  4. thank you so much for the guide! do you know how to turn off the ui to just watch the pv? i can’t seem to figure it out

    • I can’t get a screenshot atm but it’s one of the menu items after you select costumes, right before actually starting the song. Under “Game Mode” one of them is for video-only.

  5. I just what to say THANK YOU!!! thanks to you i was able to plat both P3D and P5D. Every single thing detail on point. This is an awesome guide. Once again thank you.

  6. Thank you for this guide!! I just got the game but I still can’t figure out how to change the note speed? I know in Persona 4 dancing there was the item macho momentum but I don’t know what has the same effect in P5D. Playing it at a snail speed is so frustrating!

    • Check the “Custom Modes” section of the guide; you’re looking for ノートスピードの設定 which you get automatically and lets you change speed from 1-7. There is also a super speed mode ノートが超高速になる which is unlocked by clearing a stage with note speed 7.

  7. Does the cards by the twins also remind anyone of the kaito kid cards? the ones in detective conan ? because they sure remind me of them

  8. Pingback: [GUIDA TROFEI] Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight – PlayStation Zone

  9. Just quick note for other people struggling to get platinum on P5DS: Ren’s trophy clicked for me when I did Allnight and Hard wich Ren 2nd and then as 1st partner. I don’t know if it has to be first or you have to do both but it might be worth checking out if it seems to not work for someone.

  10. Whenever I try to unlock the auto-scratch modifier nothing happens. Like, I’ll beat the stage without using a scratch but nothing will unlock. Any ideas because I’ve tried multiple things.

  11. I can’t unlock the fail a stage in 10secs mod. I’ve tried every stage on All Night with the fastest note speed & notes are super fast, without pressing any buttons and pressing completely wrong ones. Any ideas?

  12. I can’t get it the challenge modifiers Game over if combo broken, I failed on many song but still can’t get the modifiers.
    Any help? I can’t download the dlc so i can’t play the our moment song

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