Wake Up, Girls! Tenshi no Brunch vol.1-3

Just some cute little 4-koma strips that are featured in the mobage Wake Up, Girls! Stage no Tenshi. There are 15 “volumes” out so far; I’ll just post them a few at a time.

Low image quality is pretty much the game’s fault.

Vol.1 – The Angels’ Brunch is Beginning
December 13, 2013
Idol Introduction
Name: Tsukano Mari
Age: 15
Birthday: February 17
Grade: High school 1st year
Blood type: A
Interest: Visiting places with special energy

Vol.2 – Lunch
December 14, 2013
Idol Introduction
Name: Katayama Minami
Age: 14
Birthday: January 22
Grade: Middle school 3rd year
Blood type: A
Interest: Folk songs

Vol.3 – An Ideal Christmas
December 17, 2013
Idol Introduction
Name: Shimada Mayu
Age: 16
Birthday: November 7
Grade: High school 1st year
Blood type: O
Interest: Music

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