International Fan Festival Toronto 2019

For those who are unaware, IFFT is a new anime convention that ran for the first time this year (with a previous IFF event in Osaka) and completely upstaged Anime North as far as the more “hardcore” crowd goes. Now, I’ve never actually attended AN despite it being the local con… I went to offkais outside of it, but I’ve never purchased a pass or gone inside the actual venue, because there wasn’t enough incentive to. A few of the iM@S seiyuu guests were tempting, but still didn’t push me to drive alllll the way to the venue (which isn’t even in Toronto) and buy a pass for just one thing.

Meanwhile, IFFT’s Japanese guest list was: Kawasumi Ayako, Ueda Kana, Shitaya Noriko, Sugiyama Noriaki. TAM and Akai Ryuusei. DJ Kazu. Suzuki Konomi. NAKAJIMA MEGUMI!
I didn’t go to AX the year that Mamegu was there… so the moment they announced her, I knew I was going to do whatever it took to get those concert seats–and that ended up being the platinum pass at $400, which sounds like a lot at first, but it’s in CAD and it’s way cheaper than AX premier. It also ended up providing a LOT of value, but I’ll get into that later because I should probably talk about the actual events first.

Uh… I guess I will put the summary tag here lol, before I end up with a wall of text on the blog homepage.